This paper presents the results of an assessment of technical efficiency of innovations in European Union. Data Envelopment Analysis was used to investigate this subject. Results of simulation experiments were used to anticipate possible suggestions regarding policy measures that may be considered when exploring means to improve the Polish performance. Polish technical efficiency of innovations is below that in the European Union. Poland operates decreasing returns to scale. Special attention should be directed to education, research, and support to SMEs. It is essential to undertake legal changes relative to innovation activities and the attitudes of Poles towards innovativeness in order to improve results. In general the national Innovation System needs to be corrected [or improved]. The key aspect of improvement rests with congestion: overinvestment or inappropriate use of resources. Suggestions for further research of the subject and improvement of the National Innovation System are presented.
I would like to thank two anonymous Reviewers for their extremely relevant comments and the help they gave me that made this paper clearer for the Reader. I will remember working with them as a very positive professional experience.
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