Submission Guidelines

  • An article may be submitted in either Polish or English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these); it must be written in an impersonal form.
  • Articles should be no longer than 25 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing).
  • The title of the article should be as concise as possible.
  • An abstract (of 150-200 words) must provide information about: (a) the aim of the article, (b) the research method, (c) results, and (d) conclusions.
  • Articles should be clearly separated into parts, such as an introduction, chapters/sections, and an ending (conclusions, summary).
  • References should be cited in the body of the text, not in the footnotes. Examples:
    (a) Management of natural resources exploitation is based on both economic and ecological principles [Goleman, 2009].
    (b) A similar micro approach based on simple Mincerian equations was used earlier by Prasad [2003] for Germany.
    (c) The inclusion of A.C. Pigou's theory of externalities into neoclassical analysis [Pigou, 1941; 1943; 1947] resulted in including the social costs or benefits of the aggregate supply.
    (d) For a discussion of rationing rules see, for example, Tirole [1988: 212-214].
  • Any diagrams, tables or figures should be numbered.
  • References should be arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Book and journal titles should be italicized. Please follow the pattern as shown in the examples below:
    (a) Tanzi V., Schuknecht L. [2000], Public spending in the 20th Century: a global perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
    (b) Levinson A. [2012], Valuing public goods using happiness data: the case of air quality, Journal of Public Economics, 96(9-10): 869-880.
    (c) Heckman J.J. [1979], Sample selection bias as a specification error, Econometrica, 47(1): 153-161.
    (d) Telegdy A. [2006], The effect of the public-sector wage increase on the public-private relative wages, in: Galasi, P., Kezdi, G. (eds.), The Hungarian Labour Market: 60-68, Budapest, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • The article should be submitted using the Editorial System online manuscript submission tool, available via journal website.
  • The submitted version of the article must not contain any information that would make it possible to identify the author, i.e.:
    - The authors' names and their affiliations must not appear on the title page.
    - References to any previous work by the authors (books, articles, papers, etc.) should be phrased in such a way so as to prevent their identification.
    - This version of the article must not contain any acknowledgments or references to participation in joint research projects, conferences, etc.

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