Would You Follow the Advice? Attitudes Towards Formal and Informal Career Counseling in Poland
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SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
FAME | GRAPE, Warsaw, Poland
Submission date: 2023-09-18
Final revision date: 2024-03-04
Acceptance date: 2024-04-18
Publication date: 2024-09-30
Corresponding author
Magdalena Smyk   

SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; FAME | GRAPE, Warsaw, Poland
GNPJE 2024;319(3):33-55
In this study, we analyze and test attitudes towards job advice from both a professional and informal advisors (parents). We have conducted a vignette study in which subjects advised a fictional character on a job choice. Participants were informed that the vignette characters had already received advice from either a parent (informal advisor) or a professional online occupational counsellor (formal advisor). Our findings indicate that subjects are less likely to follow the advice provided by parents. They were also less likely to advise higher-paid, but less comfortable job offers (those with more risk, competition, or less flexibility). Contrary to our expectations, the gender of the character did not moderate the results. However, women were more likely to prefer and recommend more comfortable but lower-paid job offers. The conclusion from the study is that Poles tend to reject advice provided by informal advisors (parents) and react more positively to advice from a formal advisors. However, the overall effect of the advisor is relatively small.
Source of funding: National Science Center grant no. #2016/21/N/HS4/02109.
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