Registered Unemployment in Poland by Region in 1999-2006
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Publication date: 2008-08-31
GNPJE 2008;225(7-8):25-42
The author examines unemployment in different regions of Poland and its determinants in 1999-2006. The analysis focuses on differences in joblessness at the county (local) level. The discussion of the regional diversification of unemployment is combined with analyses describing the diversification of unemployment on local labor markets in sectors such as agriculture, industry, construction, market services, and non-market services. The statistical analyses described in the article are based on a simple linear regression method. The analyses show that the lowest jobless rates were usually noted in large and medium-sized cities where most of the labor force is employed in the market services sector. Relatively low unemployment rates were also noted in agricultural counties in which small private farms absorbed labor market shocks. The highest unemployment rates were noted in post-industrial areas and areas that were formerly home to many state-run farms.
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