Twenty Years On
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Publication date: 2011-08-31
GNPJE 2011;249(7-8):139-151
This article aims to identify the main characteristics of two leading Polish economic journals, Ekonomista and Gospodarka Narodowa. The journals are examined in terms of content based on a comprehensive review of articles published from 1990 to 2009. The statistical analysis involved research methods and results discussed in articles appearing in the journals, with the topics divided according to a classification proposed in the Journal of Economic Literature. Moreover, the analysis focused on the topics covered by the authors depending on the geographical area and the authors’ affiliation. The comparisons were made for the entire period of 1990-2009 and for a series of two-year sub-periods. The analysis identified the key topics covered by the authors and traced the evolution of the research methods. Both periodicals have changed over the past 20 years, the author concludes, with a rapid increase in the proportion of articles in which researchers use statistical and econometric tools to more effectively prove their hypotheses.
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